Friday, May 27, 2011

Kick the habit of calling smoking a habit, it's an addiction: lung association

TORONTO - Smoking is not just a bad practice but a serious addiction that makes quitting difficult, the Ontario Lung Association said Thursday as it called for a ban on referring to lighting up as a "habit....More

1 comment:

John R. Polito said...

What started off as a fantastic quit smoking article turned into an ethically conflicted World No Tobacco Day (May 31) pharm industry sales pitch. But the primary point, calling nicotine dependency a habit is spot on. That's like calling a child the parent. Yes, smoking fathers nicotine replenishment routines and patterns but it's driven by activated, saturated and up-regulated brain dopamine pathways, nicotine's 2 hour half-life, and an endless neuro-chemical need for more.

It appears that the Ontario Lung Association's financial parternship with Pfizer, maker of Champix and seller of replacement nicotine, has it throwing truth out the window. The assertion that most smokers cannot quit cold turkey is flatly false. In fact, this year more Canadian long-term ex-smokers will have quit cold turkey than by all other quitting methods combined. Truth is, neither Pfizer nor GlaxoSmithKline will pit their quitting products against real cold turkey quitters as they know, as shown by almost all real-world quitting method surveys to date, that cold turkey will prevail. Instead, they go against placebo, which isn't a real quitting method. But again, the beginning portion of this article was excellent.